Kumar Barve



Leading Physicians Group Hails Health Care Leader

Rockville, MD, September 28, 2015 -The leading physicians group in the State of Maryland today endorsed Delegate Kumar Barve in his campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives in Maryland's 8th Congressional District.

The Maryland Medical Political Action Committee, the political arm of MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society, voted unanimously to support Barve recognizing his history of public service and work on public health issues.

"Kumar Barve is a tireless fighter for patient's rights and protecting health care providers from insurance companies seeking to interfere in medical decisions," said Gene Ransom. Chief Executive Officer of MedChi.  "Barve has a deep understanding of health care issues and has been a leader in increasing access to health care among all populations".

'I am honored to be supported by Maryland physicians for my role in making Maryland a national leader in health care reform - from fighting HMOs, protecting those with pre-existing conditions and supporting several bills that became centerpieces of our successful national health care legislation," said Barve.  "In Congress I will continue to fight to expand health insurance and access to preventive care and for a patient's right to see their own doctors and not have their medical decisions dictated by insurance companies.”

In a letter to the American Medical Association PAC expressing their support of Barve, the Maryland group said that "Delegate Barve was also a key leader on numerous insurance reforms, including landmark Appeal and Grievance legislation that protects physicians, patients and the public health of Maryland from unfair arbitrary insurance decisions".

About Kumar Barve: 

Kumar Barve, 56, grew up and attended Montgomery County Public Schools in Silver Spring, MD and graduated from Georgetown University. A resident of Montgomery County since 1964, he is an accountant and Chief Financial Officer of Environment Management Services, Inc., a Rockville, MD company. The first Indian American elected to serve in a state legislature in U.S. history, Barve, Chair of the House Environment and Transportation Committee, has been a member of the Maryland House of Delegates since 1990, representing District 17 in Montgomery County. He resides in Rockville, MD with wife, Maureen Quinn, a Maryland Worker’s Compensation Commissioner
